Leadership in Motherhood

There is a lot of focus on leadership within the work place, but rarely do we hear about and focus on leadership within parenting. If you are a parent, you are in a leadership role. You are in a position of influence with your child when it comes to life, their dreams, choices, decisions, how they view themselves, others, and the world.

Leadership is a way of showing up in the world. It’s character, influence, values, vision, collaboration, and so much more. John Quincy Adams expressed, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader”.

Brene Brown identified a leader as, “anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.”

A good indicator to see how you’re stepping into your leadership within the home is to ask yourself if you like how your family is running.

If you’re not liking how your family is running it may come down to a leadership quality.

If you feel like you’re constantly on edge, yelling, trying to maintain control, running on empty, repeating yourself over and over again. And put in so much effort trying to figure out the parenting issues but no parenting technique is working…

It may be a leadership issue.

When I work with moms we focus on their leadership quality and foster what it is for them and how it can serve their family. The interesting thing about leadership is even though it has such a profound reaction to others and the environment, it starts internally. So when I work with mothers on leadership we focus on four aspects; collaboration, emotional resilience, self development/self care , and values & family mission. All four create a strong foundation for leadership. Because when you know where you stand on things, feel good, and know how to incorporate everyone as a unit things just start to work for you. Also, leadership blossoms within the home when you stay true to your family mission and values while treating each member as a valuable creator within it.

With love,



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